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Handy Information

AKA policies and procedures (Subject to change at any time)

Accessibility to Work Area

Before your appointment, please assure that any gates are not padlocked, crawl spaces are clear and the work area is generally ready to be occupied. That includes any tripping hazards or impediments to ladder placement as some examples. We can aid in any steps along the way if you need assistance, but keep in mind that it would be considered Billable time. This is required to assure safety and ergonomics during your visit. Safety is not just a saying. Its a lifestyle!

Nuts and bolts

Many products, such as DIY assembly furnishings, TV mounting brackets, shelves and so forth come packaged with proprietary fasteners. To assure smooth assembly of any packaged kit, please have them on-hand and unopened in their manufacturer's packaging to assure all the little piece parts are ready and available. Some of these little fasteners can't be easily replaced!

We love pets....

and part of loving them is making sure they are safe and accounted for. If you have a fur friend that does not always take comfort in the presence of an unfamiliar person in their home, we respectfully request that you make sure they are secure in another area where work will not be performed prior to a visit from us. Also if the work site is where your fur buddy "does its business", please give it a scoop if possible!


Our scheduled arrival is in blocks for your convenience.


12 noon -4pm

4pm-6pm (short duration work orders only)


Please note that those times are arrival times, not completion times. Due to the unique nature of every job it is sometimes unfair to both you as the customer and to us as your handyman to assign exact arrival times. This is to assure you have our undivided attention.


We will always give you a call prior to arrival to assure you are home and ready.


We work most weekends but will be closed to observe all legal Holidays.


In the event of an inclement weather event such as snow or a wind storm: In the observance of safety, appointments on those days may require rescheduling. We will call you in that event! Thankfully that is not a frequent occurrence!


Jobs can be set to hours, days or weeks of duration depending on the scope. Long duration work orders may not always have a daily on-site presence encompassing the whole week.


Also, since we are based in Seabeck, some of the more remote areas of our service region might only be visited on specific days of the week.


Work Orders, Invoices and Billing

Every job is special and unique, just as every customer is. Thus every Work Order is billed to match the particular situation. We will work with you to assure the best value.


All Work Orders are subject to any Washington State LNI regulations and other applicable jurisprudence.




All Work Orders will be itemized for clarity upon request. That shall entail labor, individual materials, rental costs of tools end equipment, permitting and any 3rd parties such as sub contractors. Standard work order invoices shall otherwise have subtotals for labor, services, materials and taxes.


Jobs taking under half a day will typically be billed an hourly rate of $105.00 + tax per hour. Minimum 1 hour. More remote areas may incur  drive time to your location (but not from) as billable. You are not on the hook for my stop at the Camp Union Grocery for a pint and gallon of milk!


Jobs encompassing a full day but no more than a full 5 day week will be billed a single flat rate to be negotiated prior to commencement of work. Typically if its a multi-day project, its going to be flat trade rates by sq-ft etc.


Niche General Contracting will be billed on a draw system based upon milestones of completion as agreed upon during contract signing. Checks as payment for draws must clear before the next project phase can proceed.


As a service in the State of Washington, ODHM is obligated to collect any pertinent or applicable Federal, State and Local taxes for your area and the job at hand. Not all areas assess sales tax at the same rate as well. I grumble at taxes too, but our community is based on trust and we all must do our part!

Materials and Supplies

For small jobs, most materials if not already on site can be purchased for you and then itemized on your bill. All receipts shall be provided upon request or whenever we pick up incidentals. Any materials we have to provide for reimbursement will reflect a markup. 


Please Note! Any trips to and from the worksite to the lumberyard, hardware store, vendors, jobbers, sub contractors or any other 3rd parties are in most cases are also Billable time!


For larger jobs, we can assist you with material sourcing, take off estimates and arranging for delivery. We will also use whatever materials you have sourced on your own and have at the ready as long as they are of good quality and in good condition. On Duty Handyman reserves the right to refuse customer provided materials if use of said materials will result in a sub standard final product or results counter to specifications in your contract.


There must be an area designated for material deliveries as to not interfere with delivery or your day to day activities.


Large material orders: Projects that require extensive materials can either be vendor sourced, pulled by On Duty Handyman and paid for by the customer or incorporated on milestone draws. Your contract will be specific as to how this aspect of the project shall be handled. Again, materials we source will reflect a markup on final invoicing. 


Payment draws  for Contracting Work Orders shall reflect the cost of materials required to complete that current phase of the contract.

Need a Handyman?
Just a Phone Call (or Text) away!

Always On Duty!

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